Do you collaborate with real estate agencies?
How is REALKO24 different from some run-of-the-mill classifieds?
How is REALKO24 different from a real estate agency?
What is REALKO24?
REALKO24 charges the lowest commission, the same for everybody. Why is that so important?
Do you have to pay for using REALKO24?
I don’t own a company – can I use REALKO24?
Which mobile devices can I use to browse REALKO24?
What kind of offers can I find thanks to REALKO24?
What do you mean when you say that the offer is tailor-made?
Is it true that on REALKO24 a tenant does not pay any fees?
Do I have to pay any fees as a landlord?
Is REALKO24 a Polish project?
Where does REALKO24 operate?
Is the platform accessible?
Dlaczego szukając powierzchni przez Realko24 mogę liczyć na niższy czynsz?
How much time can I save thanks to Realko24?
REALKO24 charges the lowest commission, the same for everybody. Why is that so important?
Thanks to innovative technology, REALKO24 takes you through the process of looking for space much less expensive than standard methods do – without intermediaries, advertisements and such. Therefore REALKO24 can charge the lowest commision on the market for real estate services. The fact that we charge each landlord the same is also crucial because it allows us to remain fully independent during the “connection and consulting” process. Unfortunately, it is common that some tenants pay significantly more than their neighbours in the same building – and that is just discrimination. At REALKO24 we charge 1% of the contract from all of the landlords.